Jan 13: Peoples Tribunal

Saturday, January 13 | 2 – 5pm

City Well New Church United Methodist Church | 2317 Chapel Hill Rd

Join us as we put the state on trial!

This is a community effort by folks who have been oppressed by local, state and federal governments.

We will be hearing evidence and witness testimonies of crimes committed by the racist U.S. state.

Families of people who have been murdered by police and deported by ICE will speak.

We will also hear from expert witnesses on how the state upholds white supremacy and the legacy of slavery.

At the end of this tribunal, you—members of the public—can help brainstorm remedies and reparations to the damage of centuries of systemic racism.

You can also sign up to testify about the impact of the racist obscenity that was toppled August 14 in Durham

1. Conspiracy and Obstruction of Justice: To unjustly thwart the will of the people.
2. Collusion with special interests to profit off the misery of communities of color as well as poor and working-class people
3. Negligent and Serial Homicide: In public jails and detention centers
4. Real Crimes Against the People: Racism, homelessness, choosing profit over people

Don’t forget to sign up to testify